Automate node exporter updates for Linux and Proxmox
Incase of updates for node-exporter and prometheus exporter (for proxmox), it can be a hassle to go through every single machine and force a update for the node exporter binary files. A way to make it easier to administrate we can use Ansible.
The ansible playbook
- name: Run custom script and upgrade pip on specific host
hosts: servers # Applies to all hosts in the 'servers' group
gather_facts: false
- name: Load excluded IPs from file. See exclude_ips.txt for info
excluded_ips: >
{{ lookup('file', 'exclude_ips.txt')
.splitlines() | default([]) }}
# Reads the IPs from the file
- name: Upgrade promethus node exporter on proxmox host
become: true
ansible_become_pass: "{{ ansible_password }}"
shell: |
/opt/prometheus-pve-exporter/bin/pip install --upgrade prometheus-pve-exporter
# Replace with the desired pip version or binary
when: inventory_hostname == "192.168.XX.XX" # Insert your proxmox ip
- name: Run custom script on all servers, except hosts listed in exclude_ips.txt
become: true
ansible_become_pass: "{{ ansible_password }}"
script: scripts/
when: inventory_hostname not in excluded_ips # Exclude hosts from the list
register: shell_result
- name: Output the result of the script
var: shell_result.stdout_lines
when: inventory_hostname not in excluded_ips and shell_result is defined
The playbook simply does:
- Load IPs from excluded IPs file and save those, so the playbook can filter them out later if they dont need update (e.g., host does not use node-exporter).
- Update prometheus on the proxmox host, with pip by looking for only a specific IP from the hosts file (Your proxmox host IP)
- Update all servers from hosts file, with a Custom bash script that fetches latests node exporter binary file and replace the previous one on the server. Here the excluded IPs are being used. If IP is present from hosts file and also in the excluded file, it will skip that IP.
- Output from custom bash script, in case you want to see results.
Script example during a run
In the pictures below im running the playbook in my lab, to update my Proxmox host and VMs:
How to run Github example
To view an example structure of the playbook, see github repo: